Learn with Maximiliano Firtman Talks, Courses, Workshops & Books
Training for your company on PWA, Web Performance, JavaScript & mobile
Vanilla Web
A session available in English and Spanish about the usage of the web core technologies without frameworks
PWAs-You Might Not Need That App Store
5-hour online video workshop for web professionals
PHP Basics
4.5-hour online video course for web professionals
JavaScript Design Patterns for Web Apps
4.5-hour online video course for web professionals on JavaScript
Professional JS-Features You Need to Know
4.5-hour online video course for web professionals on JavaScript
ChatGPT and AI for Web Developers
During Wey Wey Web 2023 in Málaga 🇪🇸 I delivered this talk about ChatGPT and AI for Web Developers
Certified Entry-Level Python Programmer (PCEP-30-02)
4-hour Online Course to understand basics of Python
Angular Progressive Web Apps
5-hour Online Course creating PWAs using Angular
Uncovering Passwordless Web with Passkeys
During Build Stuff 2023 in Vilnius 🇱🇹 I delivered this talk about Passwordless authentication using Passkeys
Web App Performance Essentials
5-hour online video course for web professionals on Web Performance
Basics of Go for Web Developers
8-hour online video course for web professionals on the Go language
A Tour of Web Capabilities
4-hour online video course for web professionals on JavaScript APIs
Vanilla-JS, You Might Not Need a Framework
6-hour online video course for web professionals on DOM and Vanilla-JS
First Look-ChatGPT API for Web Developers
2-hour online video course for web professionals on OpenAI APIs and LLMs
Creating Interactive Experiences Using HTML APIs
Use JavaScript for HTML interactity with this online course
Web Authentication APIs
5-hour online video course for web professionals. Passwordless auth, biometrics and password-based logins.
Web Storage APIs
4-hour online video course for web professionals. IndexedDB, Cache Storage and FileSystem.
JavaScript in the Background
5-hour online video workshop for web professionals
PWA Cheat Sheet 2023
Current state of the platform, market share and what every PWA should do
Breaking the Limits of PWAs with JavaScript APIs
Tips and Hacks to Improve User Experience
iOS App Development with Swift
6-hour online video workshop for professionals
Introduction to Kotlin and Android Development
6-hour online video workshop for professionals
Cross-Platform Mobile Apps with Flutter
5-hour online video workshop for professionals
Build PWAs from Scratch
4-hour online video workshop for web professionals
Learn Progressive Web App
A free interactive course available at web.dev
Creating Progressive Web Apps with Vue
4-hours online video workshop for web professionals
PWA Cheat Sheet 2021
Current state of the platform, market share and what every PWA should do
Publishing Progressive Web Apps
2-hours online video training for PWA developers
The Mysterious Life of Web Apps in the Background
A research to understand what happens with our sites and PWAs when they are not visible on desktop or not active on mobile
Publishing a PWA to App Stores
The journey from a browser-based PWA to the Google Play Store, App Store and Microsoft Store
Advanced Progressive Web Apps
2.5-hours online video training for PWA developers
Designing Progressive Web Apps
2-hour online video training for web designers and developers
PWA Cheat Sheet 2020
During LuxembourgJS 2020 🇱🇺 I gave this talk updating the PWA Cheat Sheet to 2020
Uncovering the Secrets of PWAs with React
During COVID-19 Pandemic, I gave this online talk for the Reactive Conference for React developers introducing the PWA platform and tips for React..
Web Performance Optimization Basics
6-hour Learning Path to start with webperf
Vanilla JavaScript-Service Workers
3-hour Online Course to understand this new web paradigm
Progressive Web Apps, the Big Picture
Online video training to start with the PWA world
The Modern PWA Cheat Sheet
During JSConf Europe 2019, in Berlin, Germany 🇩🇪, I've delivered this session covering the latest ideas and techniques to provide a good Progressive Web App
Vanilla JavaScript-Web Performance Optimization APIs
5-hour Online course to understand webperf APIs
Hacking Web Performance
During YGLF (You Gotta Love Frontend) in Vilnius Lithuania 🇱🇹, I've delivered this session covering the latest ideas and techniques to hack web performance.
Progressive Web Apps
An intro to the platform for IT & business
HTML5 Mastery Course
15-hour online video training for beginners. Learn HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
Uncovering the Secrets of Progressive Web Apps
During Heapcon 2018 in Belgrade, Serbia 🇷🇸, I've delivered this session covering the latest ideas and techniques to provide a good Progressive Web App
Augmented Reality on the Web
During Tinel Meetup in Splitz, Croatia 🇭🇷, I've delivered this session covering the latest ideas on Augmented Reality (AR) in general and on the Web
Vanilla JavaScript-Web Workers
1-hour Online Course to work with threading in the Web
Mastering Web Views
4-hour course for iOS and Android
Learning Enterprise Web Performance
5-hour Online course to start with Web Performance
Reflecting on 20 years on the Web
During Fluent Conference in San José 🇺🇸, I've delivered this keynote on my thoughs about what happened during more than 20 years on the web.
The Physical World Meets the Web
During Devoxx 2016 in Krakow 🇵🇱 I gave this talk on how to connect the Physical Web with the Web
Web & Native working together
3-hour course for iOS and Android
Apache Cordova and PhoneGap
4-hour course to create native webapps
Breaking the Limits with HTML5
During Mobilism 2013 in Amsterdam 🇳🇱 I gave this talk about tips and tricks for mobile development with HTML5